Monday, April 30, 2007

Dancing with the stars

Laila~she had such a beautiful dance. It kills me sometimes to hear her talk her voice is a little deep for such a beautiful woman.
Sometimes she doesn't look right when she holds her arms like she's trying really hard to hold them like a lady. But that was so cute. I loved the end of the second dance.

John~For his first dance he looks so nice dancing sometimes and he legs on Edita kill me. I would love to have legs like.
One of these days she's going to hit someone in the head doing in the those bends, lol.

Apolo~ He looks sooooo sexy!!!!! I missed last week but he is just cute. I loved him when he was skating and he looks great on the dance floor. They are such a cute couple it's hard to think there isn't something there between the two of them, they are so believable.
Wasn't that impressed with the second dance. I know they can do better than that.

Ian~ watch Billy Ray?!?!? that sounds weird to me. I love Cheryl. If nothing else she needs to win, she has so much intensely and can change the way these guys dance so much and always seems to find a way to end the dance on her back, lol.
Cheryl is so cute. she makes me laugh sometimes I miss watch her dance sometimes.

Billy Ray Cyrus~ she is such a little spitfire and sexy as hell. What I wouldn't give to dance with her once. not much else to say about the first dance.
It's so cute you can see just how hard he's trying but I have a feeling that this is going to be his last week.

Joey~ he is so funny, and he's losing weight!!!!!! There's something about that mustache though. It's a hard not to smile when he dances. From the whole 'Jedi' knight dance to tonight, that was so cute!!!!!
He is such a goofball can we say sock-hop?

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